Thursday, March 27, 2008

Marvin Dunn, MD, Interview of March 18, 2008

The JLS interview of Dr. Marvin Dunn is now up and running on the website and ready for viewing. Dr. Dunn is Professor of Medicine and former Dean of the University of Kansas School of Medicine. If you know Dr. Dunn, you will love this interview. He tells it like it is.
There are 13 short video clips.
If you want to see them, click or go to and select the website for videos.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

KC Hospice Seminars

The first KC Hospice Seminar was held Saturday, March 22, 2008. Present were 5 of the best looking medical students you ever saw, complete with white coats and stethescopes. Dr. Allegre made some introductory remarks and presented two current cases.
She then led ward rounds on the patients and began a conversation which lasted about 25 minutes with each patient. The students had ample opportunity to ask the patient questions concerning their situation. They were thoughtful questions.
The patients were well selected. They readily accepted the students and were very happy to talk with them even though one of the patients was experiencing some pain.
The group then retired to a conference room and discussed freely what they had just seen and heard.
It was an amazing morning. In my opinion, this is what medical education is all about. It could not have been better. Kudos to Dr. Allegre, the students who did very well, and the patients who had much to teach. Everyone learned something valuable. I think we have got something good going here.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Marjorie S. Sirridge, MD Interview

The Marge Sirridge interview of Feb 26th, is up on the website and ready for viewing. Go to Select the website for videos and then select the Sirridge interview. There are 10 short video clips. You will learn a lot about the UMKC School of Medicine.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

In Memory of Stanley R. Friesen, MD, PhD,

We were saddened to learn that Stan Friesen passed away on Feb 28, 2008. Those of you who knew him will be interested in the interview which he gave to the John Locke Society on Dec 6, 2007. Fifteen video clips totaling over 90 minutes of the interview can be seen on our website. Go to . Click on the website for videos (second one down) and select the Stan Friesen interview, or click here on
This interview speaks for itself and is a fitting tribute to a man who devoted his life to medicine and teaching. Our condolances to his family, friends and the many students who loved him.
Rest in Peace, Dr. Friesen.