Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Herbert Davis Interview

The Herbert Davis interview of October 18, 2007 is up on the website and ready for viewing.
Go to www.MyJohnLocke.com. Then go to Video website. There are 9 short video clips.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Octoberfest 2007 was held October 26th at the home of Dr. Alan and Susie Forker. Plenty of good food and company were present. Mark Winston, and Paul Tran of the UMKC School Volunteers attended as our guests and made a great impression. They are UMKC students helping us with the elementary school project.
A good time was had by all.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Accessing JLS Websites

Over time, the JLS has acquired several websites, blogs and E-Mail addresses to the point where accessing them has become a bit confusing. To make all this simpler and easier to use, we now have a reference website which is: http://www.myjohnlocke.com/

This is the only one you need to remember. It is basically a menu. Just go to this website and from there, you can access all of the sites. All you need to do is click on the one you want. A copy of the home page of this website is shown below:

1) http://www.studymed.com/JohnLockeSociety/home.htm Primary website for the JLS
2) http://www.johnlockeweb.info/ Website for viewing videos
3) http://www.myjohnlocke.com/ Website (This one)
4) http://www.health4kidsonline.com/ Website for Health4Kids

1) http://www.johnlockejournal.blogspot.com/ Keep up with JLS

1) Retiredkcdocs@yahoo.com Monitored daily
2) Jaydoc52@yahoo.com Sherm's E-Mail Monitored daily
3) JohnLocke@myjohnlocke.com or use form in Contact Us. Monitored daily
4) Kids@Health4KidsOnline.com Monitored daily

1) Carol Pashman: 816-536-7072 (Cell) Monitored when in town
2) Sherman M. Steinzeig: 913 649-0355 Back up Monitored 24/7

Each of these features has a purpose. Website 1) is the Primary website for the JLS. This has most of the information about us. Website 2) is devoted to Videos. This is where you will find the interviews. Website 3) is the Reference or Menu website. Website 4) is devoted to our Health4Kids project. We are just starting to develop this.
The John Locke Journal is a blog. It is a good place to check regularly to keep up with recent developments in the JLS,
The E-Mails and Phones are convenient ways to contact us.

Remember http://www.myjohnlocke.com/. That will put you in touch with everything.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Charles Wheeler Interview

An interview with Charles B. Wheeler, MD, JD, is up on the website and ready for viewing.
Go to http://www.myjohnlocke.com/ . Select the Video Website (second one down) and you will see the interveiw. There are 9 short clips.